On this page you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions from our collectors. Read on and make sure you understand all the process before placing an order. You will be able to obtain a lot of useful information for you, especially if you are a beginner and are thinking of placing your first order with us. We hope you can find answers to your questions and do not hesitate to contact us before ordering for further clarification. It is recommended to buy consciously.

What kind of products do you sell in your store?

Are shipping and customs fees already included in the price?

Are your products new?

Is buying on your site safe?

How can I order?

Do I pay everything immediately or can I just pay a deposit and/or pay in installments?

What do Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 mean?

What is the difference between pre-order and in-stock items?

What is the difference between the warehouse in China and the one in Europe?

Are there additional costs when purchasing an item from the warehouse in Europe?

What is the deadline within which I can pay for my pre-order when it is ready for shipment?

Can I buy an item that is missing or out of stock?

Can I cancel an order/pre-order?

What happens when a manufacturer cancels a product?

If I receive a damaged item, am I covered by your after-sales service?